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The Full Story

How Spiritual Coaching Can Help You

We spend half our lives pursuing things (relationships, jobs and career, house, money, car etc.,) and the other half pursuing peace. Peace is that light space of freedom before or beyond our overwhelming busy minds. Let me point you toward the peace you already have within you underneath all of life's stuff. Peace that is available NOW.

Coaching for Your  Healing 

 Every one of us deserves to have HOPE and my coaching and also the option of spiritual healing a can help you to rediscover hope within you. 


You can choose to have energy healing throughout your coaching, or as a session on its own.

Energy healing clears the energetic debris from heavier life experiences.

I bring a rich experience of Celtic, and of Inca energy medicine healing from the Andes, sharing its gift of beautiful clearing with you.

You will immediately feel such ease.


Since my son Anthony transitioned across the veil, it is also my mission to increase an understanding of suicide and grief.

If you need support to manage the grief and aftermath of a loved one transitioning, I will guide you to nurture and heal yourself in grief.


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I see a humanitarian world where every human heart matters and all tears are shed and received compassionately. I promise to listen deeply and to reflect your capacity to heal and change for good.

There is a greater intelligent Spirit beautifully guiding this life, walk with me and I will show you how this guidance can be

 Humanity without walls.

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